Little signals by google


Little Signals is a new ‘design study’ conducted Google, with a series of objects that focus on Digital Wellbeing and deliver information in unconventional ways — through taps, gentle breezes, and shifting shadows. Created in collaboration with Map Project Office, the project comprises six objects that give off subtle, less disruptive notifications, keeping us in the loop while helping us maintain ‘moments of calm’.

google's little signals 'design study' explores the world of ambient notifications
Button by Little Signals

all images by Taran Wilkhu



The six little signals objects


Created by Google’s Seed Studio in collaboration with Map Project Office (see more here), Little Signals builds on Calm Technology, which looks at the relationship between humans and technology, introducing new communication patterns, including concepts like ubiquitous computing. The project introduces a family of six unassuming yet charming objects that share information by engaging with our senses in nuanced ways. They are designed to keep us up-to-date with digital information by delivering notifications through subtle changes in the environment, while blending harmoniously with the beloved possessions we already have at home.‘Many everyday objects find subtle ways to inform us – from the moving hands of a clock to the whistle of a kettle. Little Signals continues that theme.’ Google explains on the project’s website


The six objects of the collection are the Air, Button, Movement, Rhythm, Shadow, and Tap. Each one has its own communication method, like puffs of air or ambient sounds. In addition, their simple movements bring them to life, allowing them to respond and adapt to the ever-changing surroundings and the needs of the users.

google's little signals 'design study' explores the world of ambient notifications
Button by Little Signals



Gentle communication methods


The Air device blows gentle streams of air that move nearby items, like the leaves of a plant, in order to attract attention. Another device called Button combines scale and sound to share information and provide control. It grows as it fills with information, and users can twist its top right for more details or left for less. 


The Movement module incorporates seven pegs that graphically represent information through their height or motion. Meanwhile, Rhythm generates ambient sounds, whose qualities convey characteristics regarding the information — its importance, urgency, or tone. Shadow communicates through the movements of the shadows it casts, and Tap makes use of its surroundings to create small sounds that serve as notifications — a stronger tap means the news is urgent! 


Although the Little Signals series is not available for purchase, Google has released the code so that you can build your own devices powered by an Arduino MKR1000 WiFi board. You can download a package that includes STEP files for 3D printing, but also features instructions for constructing the devices using common household items, in case you don’t have access to a 3D printer.

google's little signals 'design study' explores the world of ambient notifications
Tap by Little Signals

google's little signals 'design study' explores the world of ambient notifications
Rhythm by Little Signals


project info: 


name: Little Signals 
created by: Google Seed Studio
in collaboration with: Map Project Office