thinking of applying for the frame moooi award?

hosted by frame magazine and dutch furniture company moooi, the inaugural award is looking for the best furniture and lighting projects that have been created specifically interior spaces. the award’s juror, french designer philippe starck, will select the winning project which will receive a grand prize of €25,000. finalists will be published in frame magazine.

the application period is now officially open. enter online at before december 1st, 2011. applications will be accepted from interior designers, product designers and architects; developers, funders, contractors and other associated organizations who can also enter on behalf of architects or designers with their consent. both product and interior designs must have been completed between january 1st, 2010 and september 1st, 2011. products already in commercial production are also eligible. the final award ceremony and gala celebration will take place in april 2012 at the salone del mobile in milan, where the winner will be announced. click here to read more about the award and application requirements.

designboom is an official online media partner of the frame moooi award.

frame moooi award: call for submissions