electrifying america: the posters of lester beall at: los angeles county museum of art from: now until may 31, 2009

there’s just over a month left to see the exhibition ‘electrifying america’ at the LA county museum of art. the show features a large collection of lester beall‘s posters for the rural electrification administration designed during the 1930s.

electrifying america: the posters of lester beall

steven heller writes: ‘lester beall was influential in introducing modernist concepts to american graphic design. he created a contemporary aesthetic influenced by avant-garde european design of the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by a layering of words and images, dynamic use of color, photomontage, and clarity of message.‘

electrifying america: the posters of lester beall

more info on the exhibition can be found here.