founded 25 years ago, the technology, entertainment and design conferences are the place for glimpses into the future. in the same spirit of TED’s ‘ideas worth spreading’, the first istanbul TEDx conference is themed around ‘resetting minds’ – we’re looking for core ideas that will drive our quest for a better future.the one day TEDx reset event will take place on january 14, 2010, and will be held on a small island in the middle of the bosphorus in the heart of istanbul, turkey.

designboom guest speaker at TEDx istanbul

among the 15 key note speakers, are chris anderson, curator of the TED (technology, entertainment, design) conference; lev manovich, professor of visual arts university of california in san diego, author of ‘software takes command’ (to be published by MIT press in 2010) and ‘the language of new media’ (MIT press); cem mumcu, psychiatrist and author; serdar savas, scientist and politician; kubilay QB tunçer / sihirbaz, illusionist and writer; rahmi oruç güvenç, founder of tümata, center for research of turkish music…

designboom guest speaker at TEDx istanbul chris anderson, rahmi oruç güven, cem mumcu, lev manovich, … at TEDx reset, folks who defy categorization.

TED conferences consists of an intense program of tightly timed presentations, in the afternoon session entitled ‘who will create the new world?’ designboom will talk about ‘re-defining creativity in the field of design’. designboom readers from turkey – we hope to see you there!

TED is owned by the sapling foundation, a private nonprofit foundation, it was established in 1996 by chris anderson, who was at that time a magazine publishing entrepreneur. allows the great ideas shared at TED to be easily accessible anywhere in the world. TEDtalks are distributed under a creative commons (CC) license. anyone is free to download the videos from; share them with friends; republish or embed them on their website or blog.

the best thing you can watch on the internet: the TED talks!