cycle infrastructure documents the world’s foremost bike routes
photo © jeroen musch
all images courtesy of nai010 publishers, rotterdam, 2013
fietsinfrastructuur / cycle infrastructure
authors: stefan bendiks, aglaée degros
design: sander boon
publisher: nai010
year: 2013
format: 250 x 200mm
features: paperback, 192 pages
language: dutch/english
ISBN: 978-94-6208-051-5
designboom rating: (excellent, recommended)
as cycling experiences a global revival and bike sales continue to rise, a number of inventive and ingenious bicycle facilities are underway across the globe. published by nai010, ‘cycle infrastructure’ catalogs the development, design and promotion of bike routes, highlighting good examples of urban cycleways and offers detailed analysis of past and future solutions. the manual also provides interviews with the makers of prominent cycling routes and a glimpse at innovations to come.
the publication aims to promote urban cycling further still, encouraging the consideration of its infrastructure as an integral design challenge rather than an issue of basic traffic engineering. now established as both a sustainable and healthy pastime as well as a fashionable alternative to the car, cycling is not only healthy, but also a way to combat traffic congestion.
copyright nai010, 2013 (page 36-37)
drawing on their experience as the founders of artgineering – a practice for the research and design of urban planning and infrastructure – authors stefan bendiks and aglaée degros express their belief that cycling’s possibilities have not been sufficiently utilized. as mikael colville-anderson of copenhagenize design company states in the foreword: ‘it’s extraordinary to see how interest in the bicycle as transport has exploded around the world in recent years. we’ve been stumbling around in dark and dense tech jungle, looking for solutions, and one of the main answers has been sitting there right in front of us for 125 years’.
copyright nai010, 2013 (page 28-29)
the publication starts with the premise that if the bicycle is the fastest means of transport between two points, then human instinct will always choose the fastest means. elaborating further, the book references germany’s autobahn and vienna’s ringstraße, considering parallels between automobile highways and cycleways.
copyright nai010, 2013 (page 60-61)
throughout the paperback volume the reader is taken on a journey, starting with the documentation of various cycleways from europe and north america illustrated through clear mapping and engaging photography. comprised of three chapters, the book starts by highlighting the context of the route, the cycleway itself and project-specific design solutions and details.
next, a series of interviews provide behind-the-scenes information about the individuals involved with the conceptualization and realization of the various schemes. the open conversations discuss which aspects of the projects worked well, and where there is room for further improvement.
the ‘innovations’ chapter envisions the future of cycling infrastructure with the aid of inventive solutions from the past, present and future. these solutions are intended to function as a preview of current and future design issues, including bicycle parking and their integration with other modes of transport.
copyright nai010, 2013 (page 64-65)
‘cycle infrastructure’ is written not just for policy makers and designers, but for a wide range of biking enthusiasts. through referencing existing projects, the handbook not only encourages readers to reconsider their mode of transport, but at a deeper level highlights how cycling infrastructure can positively influence urban planning. an ode to the bike, the comprehensive publication forms an essential reference point for anyone interested in cycling, and how we can ensure a future where efficient, safe and comfortable cycle routes are considered part of everyday life.
copyright nai010, 2013 (page 66-67)
copyright nai010, 2013 (page 68-69)
copyright nai010, 2013 (page 142-143)
circular hovenring cyclist bridge’ by ipv delft (see designboom’s coverage of the project here)
copyright nai010, 2013 (page 160-161)
copyright nai010, 2013 (page 48-49)
copyright nai010, 2013 (page 48-49)
‘cycle infrastructure’ / copyright nai010, 2013 (front cover)