ariane prin blows out air hair machine




paris-based designer ariane prin‘s ‘air hair machine’ is a study of the hair dryer. prin visited numerous hairdressers, observing their use of the hair dryer – typically 4.5 hours a day – and noticed their forms were not very convenient. she also observed that hairdressers often use the same nozzle and that the switch which allows one to move between power levels was useless because it is habitually on maximum mode. she concluded that the overall device needed to be small, lighter and wireless.

ariane prin blows out air hair machine one of the three most adapted shapes as a result of prin’s research





the most important observation prin made was the fact that a majority of hairdressers did not use the actual handle of the hair dryer because it did not allow them to be precise and efficient. instead, they held it by the body of the object even if this is the hottest part. in addition to this, at the end of their careers, most hairdressers develop wrist and shoulder articulation problems.

ariane prin blows out air hair machine one of the three most adapted shapes as a result of prin’s research




with these observations and research in hand, prin started working on the ergonomics of the hair dryer. this is a look at her studies of the different shapes and models she developed and brought back to the hairdressers to decide which would be the three most adapted shapes.

ariane prin blows out air hair machine the three most adapted shapes as a result of prin’s research

ariane prin blows out air hair machine observations of how hairdressers hold hairdryers – never by the handle

ariane prin blows out air hair machine process work

ariane prin blows out air hair machine series of study models

ariane prin blows out air hair machine observations and notes on each form

ariane prin blows out air hair machine the collection of study models

ariane prin blows out air hair machine drawings