founded by andrej kregar, bixie is a balance bike for children made from locally sourced raw materials in the heart of the alps. kregar got the idea of creating the product when his daughter celebrated her 1st birthday. as she was going to use a balance bike soon, kregar wanted to give her a unique gift that is healthy and environmentally friendly. he especially wanted to avoid using any plastic for the bicycle. trained as an architect and an industrial designer, he decided to design and develop a sustainable, natural and plastic-free bicycle for his child to grow with it.

the bixie wooden balance bike for kids is made from 99% recyclable beechwood

all images courtesy of bixie



the design of the bike is inspired by children’s natural desire to imitate their parents. bixie is not a cheap substitute for a bike, but a balance bike that looks just like a real bike, and it is even better because it is made from 99% recyclable beechwood harvested in slovenia, with grips and saddle made from natural leather. since the seat height of the saddle can be adjusted, the bike is suitable for children of different ages and heights.

the bixie wooden balance bike for kids is made from 99% recyclable beechwood



because of bixie’s light design and use of natural materials, the bike is environmentally and children friendly. bixie helps parents raising children surrounded by natural products and helps reducing children’s screen time at a young age. it uses 80% less adhesive compared to the plywood balance bikes and the wood finish is made of natural ingredients like wax and oils. it is composed of solid wood, not plywood, which gives it a unique aesthetic style. the bixie balance bike is available on kickstarter from september 18th to october 21st, 2019.

the bixie wooden balance bike for kids is made from 99% recyclable beechwood

the bixie wooden balance bike for kids is made from 99% recyclable beechwood

the bixie wooden balance bike for kids is made from 99% recyclable beechwood

the bixie wooden balance bike for kids is made from 99% recyclable beechwood

the bixie wooden balance bike for kids is made from 99% recyclable beechwood 

the bixie wooden balance bike for kids is made from 99% recyclable beechwood

the bixie wooden balance bike for kids is made from 99% recyclable beechwood

the bixie wooden balance bike for kids is made from 99% recyclable beechwood



project info: 


project name: bixie wooden balance bike for kids

design: andrej kregar


designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lynne myers | designboom