babies and children under the age of five are more at risk of infection because their immune systems are not yet fully developed. consequently, a good hygiene practice is important to protect them. but how to explain this to small kids? robert dadashev, together with other students at moscow’s britsh school of art & design, has created a soap packaging dubbed akio that aims to help parents bathe children that are not very keen on it.

akio this fun soap packaging comes with a removable kimono for kids to play
all images via akio



to make any activity fun for kids, play is always a good solution. akio is a japanese-style bathing tool that turns the bathing process into a fun and interactive game. parents can play with children, directing their attention towards a packaging that requires some sort of  interactive fun. covered in a removable kimono, the soap container will surprise the toddler, grabbing their attention and changing his or her attitude towards the bathing process.

akio this fun soap packaging comes with a removable kimono for kids to play



recently, akio won the pentawards in the NXT-GEN  category.

akio this fun soap packaging comes with a removable kimono for kids to play

akio this fun soap packaging comes with a removable kimono for kids to play

this fun soap packaging comes with a removable kimono for kids to play



project info:


designer: robert dadashev
art director: katya mushkina
3D visualizer: pavel gubin
3D visualizer: aleksey koler
сopywriter: alex kalyan
location: russia
project type: student project
school: british school of art & design
tutor: leonid slavin, yevgeny razumov
packaging contents: children’s bathing products
packaging substrate / materials: plastic