‘wilderness tips’ by zachari logandetail of ‘wild man 2’, blue pencil on mylar, 18 x 40 inches, 2012



canadian artist zachari logan is known for painting and drawing his own body as the main subject, has recently developed ‘wilderness tips’ a collection of drawings which focuses on the human figure as a blooming landscape. the poses provoke an image of shifting representations of a world in constant movement. the terrain explores a language of plant an animal life in an exhibitionist format where the spectacle is a manifestation of multiple parts.



zachari logan: wilderness tips(left) ‘green man’, pastel on paper, 50 x 100 inches, 2012(right) ‘wild man’, pastel on paper, 50 x 100 inches, 2012



zachari logan: wilderness tipsdetail of ‘wild man’



zachari logan: wilderness tipsdetail of ‘green man’


 zachari logan: wilderness tips(left) tales of an imaginary european 7′, blue pencil on mylar, 12 x 20 inches, 2012(right) ‘tales of an imaginary european 4’, blue pencil on mylar, 5 x 10 inches, 2012