‘untitled (multi-color shuffle al-man kissing man)’ by wallace berman, 1967

wallace berman
at: camden arts centre, london
from: september 26th – november 23rd, 2008

wallace berman (1926-1976) is an american artist who was considered to be the ‘father’ of the california assemblage art movement. one of his projects was a small mail art publication called ‘semina’ in which he used photos, a variety of papers and other found materials to create assemblages, printing letterpress text upon the collages. his work was particularly influential for the artists and poets which emerged from the beat generation (a group of american writers) of the 1950s and 1960s.

this exhibition is the first retrospective of berman’s work providing an overview of the drawings, verifax collage work, photographs as well as paintings which the artist completed during his lifetime.

wallace berman at camden arts centre, london ‘papa’s got a brand new bag’ by wallace berman, 1964

wallace berman at camden arts centre, london ‘semina’, editions 1-9 by wallace berman, 1955-1964

wallace berman at camden arts centre, london ‘self portrait crater lane’ by wallace berman, 1955 all images © the estate of wallace berman


camden arts centre: http://www.camdenartscentre.org