vincent leroy has imagined a new installation in motion under the bridge of pont de bir-hakeim in paris. the ‘slow drop’ project involves a skilful and light suspension of a large form that aims to reflect it’s environment as it hangs from a bridge of another era. the giant bubble is intentionally not circular, but it’s shape captures a distorted and dreamlike image of the city.
the proposal under the bridge of bir-hakeim in paris
all images © vincent leroy
‘slow drop’ by leroy is created to be free, fluid and detached from the real world and all its constraints. it is a singular and pure form, as if it had come from another universe. it gives way to dream, to contemplation. the form consists of an inflatable envelope made of very thick, transparent plastic. hanging in avoiding above the ground, the installation appears to be levitating. the project is inspired by leroy’s childhood fascination with the aeronautical and space universe. this interest in machines carried by air continues in his work and his research.
like a giant bubble in levitation above the ground
jérôme echenoz from adorable studio has produced a sound design, synchronized with both the motion of the installation and the subway, passing on the bridge above the sculpture. like a count, a wait, a serious sound is emitted between every subway crossing on the bridge. the sound, together with the movement of the giant bubble makes for a very enigmatic installation.
slow drop suspended under the metro tracks
a mix between two universes
all seems to become crystal clear
no beginning, no end, only transparency and movement
enigmatic forms playing with the eiffel tower in the back ground
the posts of the bridges seem distorted
jérôme echenoz created a sound design synchronized with the subway
show installation configuration
project info:
project name: ‘slow drop’
artist: vincent leroy
location: paris, france
designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.
edited by: lynne myers | designboom