brooklyn based illustrator, timothy goodman, has created a 40ft x 10ft mural at the offices of a huge sports website in new york city. as an avid NBA basketball fan, goodman has completed the project as a celebration of the top 25 greatest NBA teams. located on a large-scale wall at the ‘bleacher report’ offices, the artwork proudly displays the names and logos of some of the most renowned american basketball teams from the 1960s to present day.

timothy goodman celebrates the top 25 greatest NBA teams with a 40 foot long mural in NYC designboom

images courtesy of timothy goodman



created in just over 21 hours, goodman at first ‘freestyled’ the large mural using chalk. the artist then went over the chalk with white oil-based paint markers. using his typical style of text and graphics, goodman creates an eye-catching artwork, while also paying homage to the culture of NBA basketball. from left to right, the mural captures great teams, from the celtics in the 1960s all the way up to the 2018 golden state warriors. by employing white paint against the black background, a simple monochrome effect is formed. the mural is also illuminated at times using multi-colored lights, making it a bold and colorful feature of the bleacher report offices.

timothy goodman celebrates the top 25 greatest NBA teams with a 40 foot long mural in NYC designboom

timothy goodman celebrates the top 25 greatest NBA teams with a 40 foot long mural in NYC designboom

timothy goodman celebrates the top 25 greatest NBA teams with a 40 foot long mural in NYC designboom

timothy goodman celebrates the top 25 greatest NBA teams with a 40 foot long mural in NYC designboom

timothy goodman celebrates the top 25 greatest NBA teams with a 40 foot long mural in NYC designboom

the right side (the 1960s through the 1980s)

timothy goodman celebrates the top 25 greatest NBA teams with a 40 foot long mural in NYC designboom
the left side of the 40 foot long mural (1990s to current day)

timothy goodman celebrates the top 25 greatest NBA teams with a 40 foot long mural in NYC designboom



project info:


artist: timothy goodman

location: new york city


designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lynne myers | designboom