Space Bar, 60 x 48 inches, oil on panel, 2018


“The paintings on view in Shift | Alt | Delete point to a slight detour from previous directions. Experimentation with new ideas, specifically architectural and mechanical drawing methods, combined with my persistent 1980’s childhood influences, including MTV graphics, digital synthesizers, and Miami Vice, has resulted in a deeper complexity of interwoven parts. I chose the exhibition title shift alt delete after recognizing the correlation between keyboard functions and the shifting realities present throughout this body of work. The shift key is designed to shift from one version to another, such as lower case to upper case. Alt, short for alternate, is designed as a modifier key to adjust or alter change. This ability to change or manipulate reality parallels my recent investigations regarding visual deceptions and spatial ambiguity through line, shape, color, and space. Similar to the key functions, elements in my painting often serve multiple roles. For example, a thin line may operate as the edge of a shape and also contribute to a repeating pattern of lines, later to return as a single line that cuts through another form or shape. These moments of co-existence throughout the painting disrupt the viewer’s perception of truth, often bending reality. Similar to pressing the shift, alt or delete key, these paintings can quickly switch identities back and forth, as they suggest alternate realities or a fictional universe.” Pentimenti Gallery Nov. 10th – Dec. 20th Philadelphia, PA


A Little Something To Make Me Sweeter, 10 x 10 inches, oil on panel, 2018


Erasure, 44 x 44 inches, oil on panel, 2018


Deception, 15 x 22 inches, oil on panel, 2018


Party Girl, 14 x 24 inches oil on panel, 2018


Plane Shift, 14 x 22 inches, oil on panel, 2018


Everytime You See Through Me, 38 x 50 inches, oil on panel, 2018


Intersect, 20×14 inches, oil on panel, 2018