left: sebastian errazuriz’s version of diego velazquez’s ‘the crucifixion’ (christ on the cross) right: the real version of diego velazquez’s famous painting
chilean-born new york-based artist / designer sebastian errazuriz presents a new work at the seventeen gallery, london as part of the ‘dirty kunst’ exhibition curated by christian viveros-fauné.
his untitled piece consists of a portable battery operated projector designed to go into churches to project a more revealing yet human image of diego velazquez’s ‘the crucifixion’ (christ on the cross).
the portable projector
here is a conversation between errazuriz and a friend inquiring about the reasoning behind the transformation of the velazquez’s famous crucifixion, removing the loin cloth and revealing christ completely naked:
the real shocker is not the size of his pecker, but the simplicity of how quietly unsettling it is for a christian raised person to see god completely naked, vulnerable as a man. if this was an historical event, you can be sure jesus died naked and there was no roman soldier worried about the knot on his cloth sipping in the process. ‘hey guys stop the whipping and dragging, I think his cloth is slipping off!’
the slightly enlarged size of ‘the lord’s’ penis is there as a sub-layer of info; trying to make christians feel self-conscious for perhaps being the only ones to notice that jesus’ penis is actually bigger than normal, and then probably feeling guilty for staring at it too long.
the image includes a photoshopped frame, so that when it is projected guerrilla style inside a dark church, it becomes a religious painting, snuck within the holy walls ‘banksy style’, to reveal itself to the nuns and spinsters on their knees. the split second image of the nuns ‘dick flashing master’, naked in agonizing / orgasmic self-accepted ‘passion’ should be permanently burned into their brains; thus immediately triggering and unveiling all their subconscious hidden fantasies about giving themselves in mind, body and soul in their lord jesus christ.
alternate view of the projector
sketch of the scenario
sketch of the scenario