‘smithhaven, NY’ by brian ulrich, 2003

revisiting america
at: bond st gallery, new york, USA
from: october 15 to november 15, 2008

curated by amani olu the ‘revisiting america’ exhibition explores the shift in american culture following the second world war and how the shift influenced american values today. the exhibition features the works of seven upcoming photographers who include; timothy briner, justin james reed, brian ulrich, jon feinstein, matthew gamber, angie smith and matthew vahrenwald. each artist present their view on post war american culture be it shopping, fast food, suburbia or television.

revisiting america exhibition at bond st gallery NYC

‘two cheerleaders, boonville, indiana’ by tim briner, 2008

revisiting america exhibition at bond st gallery NYC

‘joanna, boonville, north carolina’ by tim briner, 2007

revisiting america exhibition at bond st gallery NYC ‘beaver, from leave it to beaver’ by matthew gamber, 2006

revisiting america exhibition at bond st gallery NYC ‘view of los angeles’ by angie smith, 2005

revisiting america exhibition at bond st gallery NYC ’16 grams’ by jon feinstein, 2008

revisiting america exhibition at bond st gallery NYC ’21 grams’ by jon feinstein, 2008

