created by raku inoue, ‘natura insects’ is an art series where a wildlife of lifelike beetles, butterflies and other bugs have been crafted from bright flower arrangements. encompassing nine different species and revamping many of them from perceived grossness to visions of beauty, the exhibit features; beetle, kabutomushi, ladybug, dragonfly, butterfly, moth, stag beetle, black widow spider, and a firefly.

raku inoue arranges wildlife of natura insects from flowers
all images courtesy of raku inoue



placed on to paper, the ‘natura insects’ appear fresh, delicate and rich with immaculate details, transforming even the most scariest of creatures (the black widow spider) into beautiful and bright art pieces. when up close, the features of each flower and plant bring lifelike details to the insects. the summer-themed series by raku inoue, owner and creator of reikan apparel, follows the creative’s push for experimenting with something new.

raku inoue arranges wildlife of natura insects from flowers


raku inoue arranges wildlife of natura insects from flowers


raku inoue arranges wildlife of natura insects from flowers


raku inoue arranges wildlife of natura insects from flowers


raku inoue arranges wildlife of natura insects from flowers
stag beetle


raku inoue arranges wildlife of natura insects from flowers
black widow 


raku inoue arranges wildlife of natura insects from flowers



h/t abduzeedo