OSGEMEOS takes their ongoing ‘giants’ project to canada, transforming six industrial silos with their bold mural painting for the vancouver biennale. sited on granville island, the brazilian brotherly duo are renewing the industrial landmark, which is home of the ocean cement manufacturing and distribution plant, into an enormous public art work that spans 360-degrees of the 23-meter (75 foot) tall cylindrical forms. in its completion the mural will measure a total of 7200 square meters (23,500 square feet) – their largest opus to date – bringing renewed life to the locale, positioned alongside the world-famous public market, emily carr university and boat docks that attracts 10.5 million visitors per year.
six industrial silos get a complete make-over by the brazilian artists
photo by sergio magro global BC / vancouver biennale
OSGEMEOS on their ‘giants’ project for vancouver:
‘the first challenge of this project was to find a location that would fit with our idea. we did not want a conventional two-dimensional wall that we had done before – we wanted something different, special and unique. we have an ongoing project called ‘giants’ that has been realized in several places in the world such as greece, usa, poland, portugal, the netherlands, brazil and england, and we will continue now in canada, but with a difference. as the proposed biennale has a strong connection with sculpture, we decided to find a place where the painting can be transformed, creating a dialogue between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional worlds. another aim of this project is to bring new characters to vancouver while sharing perspectives and cultures and establishing a relationship between the people who frequent this site and integrate this work into the city scenery. the connection between water and land on granville island, on the false creek margins, also had a lot to do with the choice of location – for us, the water acts as a vein, symbolizing life, and it is very present in our work.’
bit by bit the cylindrical towers are transforming into an enormous public art work
photo by sergio magro global BC / vancouver biennale
in its completion the mural will measure 7200 square meters (23,500 square feet)
photo by sergio magro global BC / vancouver biennale
view of the site
photo by sergio magro global BC / vancouver biennale
aerial view of the site
photo by sergio magro global BC / vancouver biennale
OSGEMEOS on transforming six industrial silos for the vancouver biennale
video courtesy of the vancouver biennale
OSGEMEOS in conversation with the vancouver biennale
video courtesy of the vancouver biennale