christophe guinet, aka mr. plant, aka monsieur plant has continued his quest to plantify everything. over the years, he’s made a batman mask made of bark, a macintosh classic with a bonsai bursting out of it, NIKEs and reeboks that no one will ever wear (but some will pay $1000s for). the function of these pieces are limited outside the lens of photography and well-lit shelves, but still there is something magic about them. his latest project, spintable, makes you wonder what different plants might be singing if only we could hear them. 

monsieur plant
I hear rhapsody in blue
all images courtesy of monsieur plant


these vintage turntables still spin, but instead of projecting gershwin’s rhapsody in blue, they simply turn a botanical world around and around. monsieur plant uses 100% natural, stabilized plants for his pieces — some of which are available for purchase on his website. 

monsieur plant
I also hear the great gatsby audiobook

monsieur plant
I hear niagra falls

monsieur plant

and sunshine by atmosphere
monsieur plant
with this one, I only hear a drum beat that I can’t quite pinpoint

monsieur plant

and maybe some maracas in the background?
monsieur plant

elton john

monsieur plant
definitely elton john

monsieur plant
I hear radiohead

monsieur plant
what do you hear?