major landmarks turn off lights for earth hour 2013a photo of the chicago skyline during earth hour in chicago, illinois image courtesy reuters 



landmark buildings around the world switched their lights off for one hour on saturday march 23, 2013 to mark earth hour, a campaign to highlight the problem of climate change. the originally initiated in sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million people turned off all non-essential lights for an hour. the proceding year was an even bigger event as major cities around the world followed sydney’s lead and turned off their lights for an hour to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change.this year cities like new york city, vancouver and mexico city showcased their most recognizable landmarks without the useof electricity. 



earth hour 2013the lights on lions gate bridge are turned off during earth hour in vancouver, british columbiaimage courtesy reuters 



earth hour 2013

the angel independence monument is seen during earth hour in mexico cityimage courtesy reuters 



earth hour 2013

a general view of the parilament building and the sukhbaatar statue before (top) and during the earth hour at sukhbaatar square in ulan batorimage courtesy reuters 



earth hour 2013

leifeng pagoda is seen behind the west lake before (L) and during the earth hour in hangzhou, zhejiang provinceimage courtesy reuters 



earth hour 2013

the city centre of frankfurt is seen during earth hourimage courtesy reuters 



earth hour 2013

photograph shows the skyline with the empire state building during earth hour in new yorkimage courtesy reuters