luxinside medical scans of luxury items
images courtesy of luxinside




french artist laurence picot, of the french collective luxinside, curates a series of 3D medical imaging scans of luxury artisan products called ‘traces of man’. 13 iconic objects, which embody the idea of consumer opulence, are treated with x-ray-like technology, rendering the items semi-transparent, and exposing their innards. each piece of merchandise represents a different luxury industry — the iconic red soled christian louboutin pump, a USD 9,000 high-tech, leather horse saddle made by hermes, and a 100-year-old a bottle of cognac. the project called on a team of specialists from a diverse range of professional fields: a radiologist for the imaging, a 3D software creator to generate the scan, and an artist, who linked the visual scans to picot’s photographs. 


luxury industries are often shrouded in mystery, difficult for the public to understand exactly what is behind the making of a product. the photos expose characteristics and history hidden in the exceptional objects and succeed in revealing the mastery and artistry present in each item –a testament to their craftsmanship — which uncovers emblematic qualities of the brand that are typically obscured by their pricetags. 


luxury artisan products exposed by 3D medical imaging scans
a bottle of louis XIII cognac



luxury artisan products exposed by 3D medical imaging scans
leica’s M8 digital camera



luxury artisan products exposed by 3D medical imaging scans
cadolle corset



luxury artisan products exposed by 3D medical imaging scans
S.T. dupont lighter



luxury artisan products exposed by 3D medical imaging scans
the neptune glove by mary beyer and the lavabre cadet atelier


luxinside scans of luxury items designboom
luxinside scans of luxury items designboom
luxinside scans of luxury items designboom
luxinside scans of luxury items designboom
luxinside scans of luxury items designboom