‘hercules vs. diana’ by kris kuksi, 2011 mixed media assemblage 26in x 28in x 10in all images courtesy the artist and joshua liner gallery
kris kuksi: triumph joshua liner gallery, new york city, USA march 8th, 2012 until april 7th, 2012
designboom has received images of american artist kris kuksi ‘triumph’ installation at joshua liner gallery. the three sculptures have been formed in the style typical to kuksi– completed in an obsessively ornate, architectural, macabre and precisely unbalanced aesthetic. the intricate dystopian surrealist shrine-like sculptures combine modern figurines of plastic soldiers with the detail and precision of rococo masters.
the fantastical realism which comprise the three floating and wall mounted sculptural works are assembled in a manner which pays homage to the precision of baroque masters, evoking a timelessness witnessed in each perfectly preserved reality. the detail observed in his assemblages appreciate the dark and grotesque, each work examining the rise or fall of a civilization or figure and is composed with no true formula.
‘the visitation’, 2011 mixed media assemblage 25in x 19in x 8in image courtesy the artist and joshua liner gallery
‘the surrender of helios’, 2011 mixed media assemblage 32in x 27in x 8in image courtesy the artist and joshua liner gallery
detailed view of the ‘surrender of helios’ image courtesy the artist and joshua liner gallery