justin plunkett imagines the media’s influence on urban architectural sites
(above) ‘langa longer shopping mall’
editions of 50 / 590 x 630
all images © justin plunkett




cape town-based designer justin plunkett has reinterpreted his professional familiarity with advertising and marketing as a series of digitally-formed architectural photographs. ‘con/struct’ examines the influence of brands and commercialization on lifestyle and architecture, particularly cultural icons like churches, skyscrapers and shopping malls. while applauding the ingenuity and creative spirit that undoubtedly goes into the media, he exposes its potential repercussions on our urban landscape.

justin plunkett juxtaposes architectural environments for con/struct
editions of 20 / 590 x 840mm




plunkett describes that the images ‘encourage questioning and exploration: inviting the debate around how marketing-induced aspiration and perceived value can empower but can also corrupt, how it can be both perverse and create beauty.’ the imagined scenes are an amalgamation of his own personal photography and digital techniques, uniting the two disciplines to create fictional sites, visualizations and surreal compositions. the juxtaposed architectural environments seek to reveal the realities of what is sold and longed to be attained as conceivably threatening and harmful ideals.

justin plunkett juxtaposes architectural environments for con/struct
‘sunny meadow fun park’
editions of 50 / 590 x 590mm

justin plunkett juxtaposes architectural environments for con/struct
‘diepsloot dignity tower’
editions of 50 / 590 x 590mm

justin plunkett juxtaposes architectural environments for con/structjustin plunkett juxtaposes architectural environments for con/struct
‘glory to gold’
editions of 10 / 940 x 770mm

justin plunkett juxtaposes architectural environments for con/struct
‘gugulethu gables’
editions of 50 / 590 x 590mm

justin plunkett juxtaposes architectural environments for con/struct
‘bridge below starry skies’
editions of 50 / 590 x 490mm