jeppe hein's water rooms appear in the form of a liquid pavilion at basel's public freilager platz

jeppe hein's water rooms appear in the form of a liquid pavilion at basel's public freilager platz



During the annual Art Basel fair, held in Basel, the city becomes a hub for art enthusiasts, bringing together collectors, galleries, and artists from various parts of the globe. If you happen to be in the city during this event and enjoy exploring, you can also visit the public square Freilager Platz, which is hosting Jeppe Hein’s water pavilion, open to people of all ages. The project, known as Appearing Rooms, and described as a liquid sculpture by the Berlin-based artist, undergoes a continuous transformation. The installation features four external water walls that form a square shape, while inside, it is divided into smaller areas by four independent walls.


With a height of over two meters, these walls, made of flowing water, unpredictably rise and fall, determining who can enter and who must wait. Visitors can pass from one water space to another or peer through the transparent walls, enjoying the surrounding square, architecture, people, and the sky. Appearing Rooms takes shape as a living sculpture that can be experienced from the outside and within, inviting passers-by to linger and explore‘its inner and outer worlds,’ as Jeppe Hein describes.


While the structure encourages playfulness and engages people in interactive experiences, the artist does not impose specific expectations on how individuals should respond to his work. ‘I don’t expect any particular reaction or interaction with any of my works. I am more interested in stimulating and inspiring people, perhaps luring them out of their comfort zone, speaking to their senses, and engaging them in a dialogue. I cannot predetermine or even predict how they will respond and behave; people are much too different for that.’

jeppe hein's water pavilion sprinkles in the form of a sculpture in basel's public square
Installation view Freilager-Platz, Münchenstein 2023, Photo: Pati Grabowicz © Kunsthaus Baselland



Jeppe Hein’s Accessible Art in Public Spaces


The rhythm and sequence of the water walls remain beyond the visitors’ control, adding an element of surprise to the experience. However, the artist comments, This element of surprise used to be very important in my early works. I thought this was necessary for people to overcome their inhibitions about art. Since then, the social dimension of my work has become more important to me—what happens between the people experiencing my works and how I can inspire them to incorporate the ensuing dialogue, empathy, and joy into their everyday lives. That being said, the surprise effect still plays a major role; such a happy jolt is usually followed by a relieved laugh, and this positive reaction triggers something in you that I am continually trying to harness.’


Jeppe Hein’s art serves as both an invitation and an obstacle, always maintaining a connection to the human scale. This quality allows the works to engage with viewers and serve as a point of interaction. Hein’s work aims to spark curiosity in people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether someone is young or old, familiar with art or not, Hein’s works capture their interest because they seemingly emerge from the ordinary world of everyday objects.Also, the fact that many of his pieces are located in public spaces makes their accessibility easier as no museum doors need to be opened, and no admission fees need to be paid. 

jeppe hein's water pavilion sprinkles in the form of a sculpture in basel's public square
Installation view Freilager-Platz, Münchenstein 2023, Photo: Pati Grabowicz © Kunsthaus Baselland

jeppe hein's water pavilion sprinkles in the form of a sculpture in basel's public square
Installation view Freilager-Platz, Münchenstein 2023, Photo: Pati Grabowicz © Kunsthaus Baselland

jeppe hein's water rooms appear in the form of a liquid pavilion at basel's public freilager platz
Installation view Freilager-Platz, Münchenstein 2023 Photo: Gina Folly © Kunsthaus Baselland


Installation view Freilager-Platz, Münchenstein 2023, Photo: Gina Folly © Kunsthaus Baselland 

jeppe hein's water rooms appear in the form of a liquid pavilion at basel's public freilager platz
Installation view Freilager-Platz, Münchenstein 2023 Photo: Gina Folly © Kunsthaus Baselland



Installation view Freilager-Platz, Münchenstein 2023 Photo: Pati Grabowicz © Kunsthaus Baselland 
Installation view Freilager-Platz, Münchenstein 2023 Photo: Pati Grabowicz © Kunsthaus Baselland 
Jeppe Hein Portrait 2022 Photos By Jan Strempel Photography
Jeppe Hein Portrait 2022 Photos By Jan Strempel Photography
Installation view Freilager-Platz, Münchenstein 2023 Photo: Pati Grabowicz © Kunsthaus Baselland 
Installation view Freilager-Platz, Münchenstein 2023 Photo: Pati Grabowicz © Kunsthaus Baselland 

project info:


name: Appearing Rooms

artist: Jeppe Hein | @jeppehein
location: Freilager-Platz, Basel

dates: 26.5.— 3.9.2023

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