japanese creatives craft subtle works for the takeo paper show
(above) design by noiz, architectural, interior and research firm
all images courtesy of takeo paper show





as one of japan’s foremost paper manufactures, takeo hosts an annual paper show, showcasing the ways in which the delicate medium can be used in innovative and imaginative ways. this year’s edition has been focused around the theme of ‘subtle‘, and offered fifteen designers, architects, artists and makers to present their own interpretation on the subject.


curated and art directed by kenya hara & nippon design center, hara design institute, the show invited creators such as junya ishigami, torafu architects, artists jinah ham and motohiro tomii to utilize their own personal perspectives and rise to the challenges presented by the word ‘subtle’.

15 japanese designers participate in takeo paper show
design by noiz




the section designed by architectural, interior and research firm noiz features new products: FUUKOU, light and soft, portends a new world of fine paper. NT RASHA and BIOTOPE GA-FS both acquired a new quality with an increase in color and weight. the architectural design firm noiz expressed new faces for these three brands.

15 japanese designers participate in takeo paper show
design by noiz




takeo paper show describes: ‘paper itself is not inherently delicate. it is the perception elicited by paper in the user that is delicate. paper is white and resilient. its qualities affect us, awakening and nurturing exquisitely acute sensory perceptions that enable us to perceive even infinitesimal distinctions. experiences rich with sensory perceptions are cultivated and realized, thanks to this white medium, fragile, easily soiled, gracefully evolving. our senses enable us to perceive degrees of flatness, smoothness and softness imperceptible to precision measuring devices, they detect differences in color and flavour, indiscernible even by the most advanced sensors. here lies human happiness, within which the flesh and blood savor to the fullest a rich world by maximising the inherent potential of sensory perceptions. not by trying to live our lives as conveniently as possible – by using our bodies as little as possible – but rather by mobilising all of our sensory perceptions to relish the subtly of the world in which we live will we discover the joy and volition of living with the whole body.take paper show 2014 is an experimental exploration around the theme ‘subtle’, an attempt to locate the roots of the allure of paper, that enigmatic incentive to the human experience.’

15 japanese designers participate in takeo paper show
variation on the ‘subtle’ theme




‘we have delved into an edited phenomena whose blossoming has been guided by paper, as well as a variety of human behaviors also influenced by paper. what we hope to present here are models and objects through which the greatest humber of people can recognize the value paper has always had. ‘subtle’ is delicate, but not small, and is in face a concept linked to the infinite world of sensory perceptions, from which we would like to look closely at the future of paper.’

15 japanese designers participate in takeo paper show
paper flow, presented at the annual show

15 japanese designers participate in takeo paper show
small human figures are made from the delicate medium

15 japanese designers participate in takeo paper show
the colors trick the eye into seeing two words

15 japanese designers participate in takeo paper show
example from the paper show

15 japanese designers participate in takeo paper show
at the show, seventeen primordial images of paper have been presented by photographer yoshihiko usda

