designboom received this project from pip tanner of new zealand. called ‘symbiotica’, it is an interactive installation which combines digital media and theortical aspects of the uncanny valley to generate a strong, emotive response and create a provocative, memorable experience for both the user and the audience. the visually minimalist, conceptual, interactive video-based work deals with themes of trans-identity and rapidly enhanced space. using a live feed, ‘symbiotica’ captures the facial expressions of a user. the live feed is processed through video-editing software to employ video techniques that are concerned with time manipulation and specific ‘time delay’. the results in real-time are projected onto the person in which the data was originally extracted, i.e. the participant’s face. the ‘time delay’ results in the projection appearing on the person’s face, but by this time, the state of their expression has been changed creating different emotions juxtaposed on top of one another. with ‘symbiotica’, the human can be seen as a canvas, a communicative three-dimensional surface, in which to create distortions that a typical two-dimensional surface would not be able to.

interactive video installation 'symbiotica' by pip tanner

interactive video installation 'symbiotica' by pip tanner