heineken asks 40 legendary individuals to craft posters with epic stories
all images courtesy of the legendary posters
heineken has teamed up with over 40 legendary individuals from the worlds of sport, entertainment and art to create a series of bespoke posters in support of reporters without borders, a global non-profit which which protects journalists and ensures freedom of information. the epic series coined ‘the legendary posters‘ are emblematic of heineken’s brand message, that crossing borders creatively, professionally and personally enables people to get the most out of life. each print has gone on an incredible journey — spanning all corners of the earth, from a bubbling volcanic rock in iceland to the depths of the oceans in the bahamas — and have come back with a story to tell. each beginning the same, as a white canvas with the trademark green heineken bottle positioned at its center, the posters have traveled the world, met extraordinary people, and participated in daring and dangerous events. they have returned as one-of-a-kind artworks, bearing physical reminders of their unique journey. ‘the legendary posters’ is the latest creative iteration of heineken’s legends brand platform, and has been created with wieden+kennedy amsterdam.
‘the one that played fire tennis against jimmy connors’
watch how a poster becomes yet another opponent that got burnt in a game with jimmy connors.
tennis superstar jimmy connors plays on the court with fire
#legendaryposters — the one that played fire tennis against jimmy connors
video courtesy of heineken
‘the one that went 60m deep in dean’s blue hole’
hold your breath and watch how a world record holder took a poster on a free dive in the bahamas.
the diver signs his name beneath the sea
#legendaryposters — the one that went 60m deep in dean’s blue hole
video courtesy of heineken
‘the one that conquered kilimanjaro. almost.’
graphic artist mustashrik took a poster on a journey to conquer kilimanjaro. watch how kilimanjaro conquered them both instead.
mustashrik journeys with the poster
#legendaryposters — the one that conquered kilimanjaro. almost.
video courtesy of heineken
‘the one that went to the movies iceland style’
an icelandic farmer, a cow, a volcano, popcorn, and a poster. watch what happens when they all meet.
a volcanic adventure in iceland
#legendaryposters — the one that went to the movies iceland style
video courtesy of heineken