glow-in-the-dark cornetto by bompas & parr radiates in your mouth
all images courtesy of bompas & parr




london-based creative duo bompas & parr light up the favorite summertime snack of many, experimenting once again with food for their ‘glow-in-the-dark cornetto’. the popular ice cream cone radiates a yellow glow and, when licked, leaves the treat tester with florescent features. unsuspecting visitors to the film premiere of the ‘end of the world’ at london’s leicester square were surprised when their flavored frosty bite left them lucent in the dark movie theater, turning their tongues into beacons of light.


the world’s first glow in the dark cornetto
video courtesy of cornettouk

glow-in-the-dark cornetto bompas & parr
tongues light up after licking the beaming ice cream

glow-in-the-dark cornetto bompas & parr
visitors to the theater munch on their florescent cones

glow-in-the-dark cornetto bompas & parr
testing out the glow-in-the-dark treats

glow-in-the-dark cornetto bompas & parr
the cornettos, glowing a neon yellow hue

glow-in-the-dark cornetto bompas & parr
edible, fun and florescent