as a rope floating slowly above the ground, the new vincent leroy’s installation is effective and obvious: a tube of aluminum is arched and suspended and is rotating all the time, due to its very light slow engine. the designer used the same system for his installation boreal halo.
floating line puts the spectator in the contemplation
all images and videos © vincent leroy
the installation is a stretchable, supple continuous wave. the floating line is intriguing and puts the spectator in the contemplation. this experiment sets an endless spiral, we lose marks — no beginning, no end, just a stream.
no beginning, no end, only movement
‘simple movements are always at the base of my works’, explains vincent leroy. ‘I start with an experiment, a do-it-yourself, some assembled light materials. then a click occurs and shows me the way to go. I am surprised as much as the spectator of the magic who gets free of these moments. it is necessary to get the unexpected and then to analyze it to be able to exploit him and integrate him into the works. i also work the movement from the slowness. i slow it down abnormally to understand the phenomenon better. this decomposition explains and intrigues at the same time. the slowness creates the magic. i want that the spectator is surprised as much as me when i discover these precious moments’.
shadow movement on the ground is very enigmatic too
this installation allows to contemplate, to take time, to decompose things and understand them better. it is always accompanied by a special sound track by french sound designer jérôme echenoz. you will see this new installation soon in the famous and historical art kinetic gallery denise rené in paris.
multiple shape with a simple tube
video by: vincent leroy
the rope is floating slowly above the ground
the shape cuts the space
a tube of aluminum is arched and suspended
the installation seems stretchable and supple
this installation allows to contemplate
the empty spaces become alive
designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.
edited by: maria erman | designboom