‘collapse’ by fletcher vaughanall images courtesy of fletcher vaughan




the work of new zealand-based designer fletcher vaughan, ‘collapse’ is designed as a sculptural representation of the precarious balance between industrial society and nature. standing 13.1ft high x 11.3ft long x 2ft tall (4m x 3.4m x 0.6m), the house of cards is composed of lasercut aluminum with stainless steel fixings and PVC decals. installed on the hauraki gulf of waiheke island in new zealand, ‘collapse’ is directly exposed to the forces of nature, and although it is grounded in concrete and composed of durable materials, ‘the illusion that [the sculpture] could be toppled at any moment by the slight breath of wind represents the fragility of our planet and its inhabitants in the present day.‘

'collapse' by fletcher vaughan some of the large-scale aluminum cards are scattered along the ground

'collapse' by fletcher vaughan additional view

'collapse' by fletcher vaughan detail views

'collapse' by fletcher vaughan

'collapse' by fletcher vaughan the sculpture prior to installation onsite

'collapse' by fletcher vaughan the installation process

'collapse' by fletcher vaughan

'collapse' by fletcher vaughan

'collapse' by fletcher vaughan

'collapse' by fletcher vaughan

'collapse' by fletcher vaughan




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