using nature as the thread


artist olga prinku uses ‘nature as her thread’ to create intricate flower-on-tulle embroidery bursting with color and texture. the moldovan creative grows flowers, seedpods, berries, and other elements, which she then collects and dries herself. the preserved material is then needled onto simple white tulle-based hoops, forming delicate organic arrangements.

dried flower arrangements blossom from olga prinku's delicate tulle embroidery works
flower-on-tulle embroidery is prinku’s signature work

all images courtesy of olga prinku


transparency and delicacy make for a signature embroidery style


using white tulle as a base, olga prinku attaches the dried flowers to the mesh webbing and shapes elaborate natural motifs, including floral patterns, figurative renderings of birds, as well as individual sprouts. many of her pieces replicate imagery commonly found in eastern european folklore, which the north yorkshire-based artist connects to her early life in the republic of moldova. within prinku’s botanical crafts, one can also find typographic hoops, where preserved flowers are neatly arranged in monograph configurations.


even though the artist has found her signature flower-on-tulle style —which she’s currently working on trademarking—  she is very much open to experimentation, with her creative process heavily relying on trial and error. before working with tulle, prinku tried a variety of materials, including wire mesh and loose knitted twine, which she later found too dominant for the transparent, delicate aesthetic she had in mind. 

dried flower arrangements blossom from olga prinku's delicate tulle embroidery works
prinku uses ‘nature as her thread’


spreading the flower-on-tulle embroidery knowledge


to spread her flower-on-tulle embroidery knowledge, the artist teaches workshops and offers tutorials to anyone interested in her craft. she is also very active on her instagram page, posting both images and videos of her creations which come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. furthermore, prinku is releasing a book titled ‘dried flower embroidery’, that will be published in october 2021 by quadrille/hardie grant. 

dried flower arrangements blossom from olga prinku's delicate tulle embroidery works
typography hoop by olga prinku

dried flower arrangements blossom from olga prinku's delicate tulle embroidery works
close-up shot of prinku’s botanical craft

dried flower arrangements blossom from olga prinku's delicate tulle embroidery works
dry dandelions fastened onto ‘clock’ embroidery hoop

dried flower arrangements blossom from olga prinku's delicate tulle embroidery works
the combination of the delicate tulle with the dry flowers forms a charming aesthetic

dried flower arrangements blossom from olga prinku's delicate tulle embroidery works
the dry flowers form a figurative rendering of a bird



project info:


name: flower-on-tulle embroidery
artist: olga prinku