donghee koo: extra stimuli at PKM gallery
beta (detail), 2013
acrylic therapy mat, magnets, 105 x 85 x 80 cm.
courtesy of the artist and PKM gallery / photo by sang-tae kim




donghee koo
PKM gallery, korea
now through september 13, 2013



through the use of everyday objects, donghee koo involves the audience in a crossing of the senses, fusing visual and auditory by combining sound with sculptural reconstructions of ready-mades. she is currently exhibiting ‘extra stimuli’ at PKM gallery, korea — a collection of playful artworks that invite the viewer to an overlap in perception by juxtaposing familiar noises with generally irrelevant objects. one of the exhibited works, ‘528 / 528’ is a display of seeds and nuts in size order, set upon a rotated display with mirror. by interfering with the conventional exchange of our space and senses, koo disrupts the viewer’s expected interpretation.



donghee koo: extra stimuli at PKM gallery
528 / 528, 2013
seeds and nuts, rotated display with mirror, 32 X 32 x 24 cm.
courtesy of the artist and PKM gallery / photo by sang-tae kim



donghee koo: extra stimuli at PKM gallery
energizer, 2013
magnets, battery and metal sponge, 41 x 25 x 24 cm.
courtesy of the artist and PKM gallery / photo by sang-tae kim



donghee koo: extra stimuli at PKM gallery
installation view of solo exhibition ‘extra stimuli’, P K M gallery, 2013
courtesy of the artist and PKM gallery / photo by sang-tae kim



donghee koo: extra stimuli at PKM gallery
installation view of solo exhibition ‘extra stimuli’, P K M gallery, 2013
courtesy of the artist and PKM gallery / photo by sang-tae kim



donghee koo: extra stimuli at PKM gallery
oh, scalar, 2013
printed on sun printing paper, 20 x 30 cm.
courtesy of the artist and PKM gallery / photo by sang-tae kim