david lachapelle at art stage singapore (above) david lachapelle cathedral, 2007 image © david lachapelle
artist talk by david lachapelle marina bay sands expo & convention centre, level B2, hall E saturday, january 15th, 2011 @ 2pm
art stage singapore 2011 is the inaugural edition of the international fair which focuses on asia pacific’s art scene and market. having made its debut at the marina bay sands in singapore, the event brings together more than 100 established and contemporary art galleries from 26 countries around the world, presenting a balance of galleries from asia pacific, juxtaposed against selected western galleries.
david lachapelle deluge: museum image © david lachapelle
the event, which runs until january 16th, 2011 is hosting educational programmes, special lectures and panel discussions by key figures in the art world. one of the anticipated events of the fair is an artist talk by american photographer david lachapelle who will discuss his career and experience from his early days in the 80s living and working in new york, through to his editorial career and producing contemporary pieces made for museum and gallery settings.
david lachapelle michael jackson portrait, 2008 image © david lachapelle
david lachapelle lady gaga for rolling stone magazine image © david lachapelle
lorenzo rudolf, art stage singapore director
art stage singapore’s director is lorenzo rudolf, former director of art basel, inventor of art basel miami beach and co-creator of shcontemporary.
‘the fair was developed to be more than simply a platform for commercial exchange. we wanted to ensure that by bringing the fair to singapore we would be supporting the development of the asian market and strengthening it through auxiliary events that would interest the asian contemporary art insider, western collectors and art lovers, and also students, interested young people and children.’ – lorenzo rudolf