‘the craftsmen series – wrench’ by stacey lee webber pennies L14″ x H5″ x W1.5″ all photos by joseph leroux
american artist stacey lee webber likes playing with money. she has sent us images of her latest works ‘the craftsmen series’ and ‘the craftsmen series: silver collection’ whereby she manipulates american coins into basic instruments, bringing new value and meaning to loose change.
‘the craftsmen series – clamp’ pennies L14″ x H5″ x W1.5″
‘the craftsmen series’ looks to contemporary american society, and the notion that pennies have become coins that are often discarded, or rarely used as currency. webber takes the copper change and meddles with it to produce basic workingman’s tools, glorifying not only the object but also the material from which it is made. bringing together the labor of craft with traditional blue-collar work, the collection of monetary works remind us of a simpler way of life.
‘the craftsmen series – mallet’ pennies L14″ x H5″ x W1.5″
‘the craftsmen series: silver collection – plumb bob’ silver mercury dimes L10″ x H8″ x W4″
‘the craftsmen series: silver collection’ was influenced by the act of coin collecting. for these pieces, the artist has used rare change to produce the objects, making them a more precious and sought after commodity. the use of valuable coinage evolving into these traditional tools elevates the final works into sacred pieces.
‘the craftsmen series: silver collection – saw’ silver dimes, silver quarters L22″ x H6″ x W1″
‘the craftsmen series: silver collection – keyhole saw’ brass, silver dimes, silver quarters L13″ x H4″ x W1″
‘the craftsmen series – shovels’ brass, pennies L10″ x H60″ x W5″