clay lipsky imagines the advent of the atomic era during today’s information age
all images © clay lipsky




raised during the height of the cold war, american artist clay lipsky clearly recalls the nuclear threat as it loomed between two superpowers. since documentation during this timeframe primarily comprises dated, black and white photographic records, lipsky wanted to re-contextualize the history of atomic bomb tests through a contemporary lens.


the series ‘atomic overlook imagines the advent of the atomic era during today’s information age, with tourists gathering to view bomb tests and instantly sharing their cell phone photos online. depicting crowds of onlookers nonchalantly observing and photographing the nearby blast, the images seek to convey today’s contemporary voyeuristic culture, where catastrophe is viewed as entertainment by increasingly desensitized masses. lipsky explains, ‘the iconic mushroom cloud, a loaded symbol burned into our collective subconscious, represents a triumph of science, apocalyptic destruction and once even national pride, but in this case can also serve as metaphor for larger societal issues such as global warming, nuclear power, industrialization and pollution. issues that seemingly breed an adopted apathy, where individuals can do little but stand by and watch.’

lipsky re-contextualizes the history of atomic bomb tests through a contemporary lens

the series imagines the advent of the atomic era during today’s information age

tourists gather to view bomb tests and instantly share their cell phone photos online

the images seek to convey today’s contemporary voyeuristic culture

crowds of onlookers nonchalantly observe and photograph the nearby blast

individuals stand by and watch the nearby explosion