acrylic and hand-cut paper installations by charles clary

american artist charles cleary has developed a series of relief sculpture installations. using layers of acrylic and hand-cut paper, an array of mounted colorful extrusions pop-out from the walls to create a collection of intricate forms like bacteria or topographic formations representing natural and organic foundations.

charles clary: acrylic and hand cut paper installations flameobic opulation series

charles clary: acrylic and hand cut paper installations flameobic opulation series

charles clary: acrylic and hand cut paper installations fermatic pandemic series

charles clary: acrylic and hand cut paper installations fermatic pandemic series

charles clary: acrylic and hand cut paper installations cheese-a-let infestation series

charles clary: acrylic and hand cut paper installations flameobic pandemic series

charles clary: acrylic and hand cut paper installations flameobic pandemic series