in june 2018, artists camille walala and her long time collaborator julia jomaa, traveled to the umoja training centre (UTC) on lake victoria, tanzania, to ‘give the [community] a new injection of positivity,‘ with four new art installments. 
camille walala standing voice
the water well has been given a new skin with bright colors and an interesting design
image © harry freeland



through the two time lapse movies, viewers can see some of work walala and jomaa completed. in total, the two painted four key installments: the main entrance sign, the concrete water tanks that are used by the center and surrounding villages, the new radio room where the ukerewe young reporters group records and broadcasts, and part of the new library, which is currently receiving new desks and shelves from designer and fabricator simon sawyer.camille walala standing voice
next to the well, the building has been given a new design as well
image © harry freeland



the design walala and jomaa incorporated consisted of bold colors and eye catching patterns to breed an ‘atmosphere of optimism and energy that reflects [the] mission and impact [of the UTC] on the ukerewe community.

camille walala standing voice
here members of the utc and the artists, walala and jomaa, sit on the well after the completed design
image © harry freeland



the UTC built by standing voice is meant to be an inclusive space for members of the community, with and without albinism, to ‘share and develop skills, overcome prejudices, form positive relationships, understand and embrace differences, establish businesses and claim a stake in wider african society.’ camille walala standing voice
the designs on the giant water well exude positivity
image © harry freeland

camille walala standing voice
artists with the members of the utc community 
image © harry freeland

camille walala standing voice
two eye catching designs by walala
image © harry freeland


time lapse of the design completed