the official portraits of president barack obama and first lady michelle obama were unveiled today at the smithsonian national portrait gallery in washington, D.C.. kehinde wiley and amy sherald — hailing from brooklyn and baltimore, respectively — were selected to paint president obama and mrs. obama, marking the first time african american artists have created smithsonian-commissioned portraits of a former president and first lady.
president barack obama by kehinde wiley | image © kehinde wiley
‘to call this experience humbling would be an understatement,’ president barack obama stated. ‘that’s because, as a former president, when you choose an artist to describe your likeness, you have the opportunity to shape, quite literally, how someone sees the office of the american presidency. and how they might see themselves in that presidency.’
michelle obama by amy sherald
‘the arts have always been central to the american experience,’ obama continues. ‘they provoke thought, challenge our assumptions, and shape how we define our narrative as a country. thanks to kehinde wiley and amy sherald, generations of americans — and young people from all around the world — will visit the national portrait gallery and see this country through a new lens.’