tokyo-based artist euglena creates delicate sculptures using dandelion seeds, a bit of glue, and a steady hand. she creates abstract shapes that hold their form whilst reacting to the movement of their surroundings.

artist euglena creates extremely delicate sculptures using dandelion seeds designboom

images courtesy of the artist



euglena‘s signature projects, which go by the name of ‘watage’, depend on the delicate movement of dandelion seeds rather than artificial technology to animate the work. instead, the dandelion fluff sways in response to viewers’ breath, movement, or the slightest disturbance nearby.

artist euglena creates extremely delicate sculptures using dandelion seeds



this element of air and movement is crucial to euglena’s work. she also has an ongoing series of short films that highlight the subtle movements of everyday life objects, and weed-focused street art. most recently, euglena’s work was on display at the 2019 japan media arts festival where she won best new artist.

artist euglena creates extremely delicate sculptures using dandelion seeds

artist euglena creates extremely delicate sculptures using dandelion seeds

artist euglena creates extremely delicate sculptures using dandelion seeds