monadic singularity by anish kapoor


British-Indian artist Anish Kapoor presents Monadic Singularity, a landmark exhibition at the Liverpool Cathedral, bringing six of his artworks to the UK city for the first time in 40 years since his show at the Walker Art Gallery in 1983. Staged in the spiritual context of the cathedral, where significant moments in life such as birth and death are celebrated and ritualized, Kapoor’s installations provide connection and inspire awe. The exhibition opened to the public on August 10th and will run until September 15th, 2024. 

anish kapoor's monadic singularity show invites spiritual explorations at liverpool cathedral
Anish Kapoor, Sectional Body Preparing for Monadic Singularity, 2015 | image by D.Saulnier, © DACS 2024



unlocking new spirital dimensions at liverpool cathedral


Liverpool Cathedral, the UK’s largest cathedral, provides the perfect backdrop for this profound exploration by Anish Kapoor. Visitors are guided through the sacred spaces, which includes a large-scale installation in the Well, a reminder of our existence on Earth. With Monadic Singularity, the artist also integrates his work with the Cathedral’s gothic architecture, featuring a wax sculpture in the Main Space and work displayed in the Lady Chapel. 


One of the six displayed works, titled Spire, catches the eye. ‘This geometric, concave work does not reflect images like a typical mirror… instead it turns the world upside down, inverting and transforming the surrounding environment  Spire points upwards towards the sky and infinity, placed in our Cathedral’s chancel , this amplifies it’s spiritual dimension pointing to something beyond ourselves,’ writes the team at Liverpool Cathedral on Instagram. 

anish kapoor's monadic singularity show invites spiritual explorations at liverpool cathedral
image by Jonathan Leijonhufvud, © DACS 2024

anish kapoor's monadic singularity show invites spiritual explorations at liverpool cathedral
image courtesy Liverpool Confidential via Instagram

anish kapoor's monadic singularity show invites spiritual explorations at liverpool cathedral
Anish Kapoor, Spire | image by Rob Battersby, courtersy Liverpool Cathedral via Instagram

anish kapoor's monadic singularity show invites spiritual explorations at liverpool cathedral
image courtesy Liverpool Confidential via Instagram



project info:


name: Monadic Singularity

artist: Anish Kapoor | @dirty_corner

location: Liverpool Cathedral, UK | @livcathedral

exhibition dates: August 10 – September 15, 2024