aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai

aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai

‘A World of Beauty’ at the Museum of Art Pudong in shanghai


Conceived and designed by world-famous Italian designer Aldo Cibic, and his partner Joseph Dejardin, the exhibition ‘A World of Beauty’ at the Museum of Art Pudong (MAP) unfolds a world where China and Italy, Shanghai, and Naples, celebrate timeless beauty –‘The beauty that reveals itself spontaneously, an expression of harmony in the world of nature, the human world, and in the great works of human beings, beyond the distinctions of culture and material.’ The exhibition presents masterpieces from the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, including sculptures, paintings, mosaics, bronzes, and glasses, and juxtaposes them with the darkened, labyrinthine spaces and bold colors of the Chinese museum. 


‘A World of Beauty’ is curated by Francesco D’Arelli, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute of Shanghai, Mario Grimaldi and Clara Tosi Pamphili, and marks the first chapter of a new collaboration between Shanghai Lujiazui Development (Group) Company Limited and the Italian Cultural Institute in Shanghai (Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai). 

aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai
the exhibition presents masterpieces from the national archaeological museum of Naples | all images courtesy of the Museum of Art Pudong (MAP)



a kaleidoscope of dreams from the past


The exhibition ‘A World of Beauty’ at MAP (find more here) is described as ‘a kaleidoscope of dreams from the past’ that proves to visitors that beauty is a lasting experience that defies definition. It shows the appeal of antiquity, a form of beauty that has survived until today in its original form. The exhibition is an introduction to the beauty and power of the art and culture of the Roman world and its lasting influence on Western culture. Large-scale marble sculptures, bronzes, frescoes, friezes, and everyday objects tell a story of how beauty can be an expression of both love and power.


Aldo Cibic and Joseph Dejardin (find more here) designed the exhibition to not only tell a broader story about the beauty of Roman life and culture, but also to highlight the individual experience of each piece as an object of beauty in its own right. Dramatically lit exhibits in darkened rooms with bold colors create a compelling emotional experience. At the same time, a series of enclosures divide the spaces and create a labyrinth through which the experience slowly unfolds. These enclosures allow for both an intimate experience of the exhibits and the use of openings to provide views of spaces and objects. Throughout the display, key quotes are highlighted to emphasize core concepts, encouraging thoughtful engagement with the exhibits.

aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai
the exhibition features dramatically lit sculptures in darkened rooms with bold colors



highlighting the beauty of cultural exchange


The first foor of the museum hosts an introductory film that explains the importance of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples and a pair of Aphrodite sculptures that set the tone of the exhibition. Moving on to the upper levels, visitors find a chronology and mapping of the Roman Empire that follows that of the Han Dynasty, highlighting the fundamental importance of culture and beauty within civilizations and the importance of their exchange.


In the following rooms, household objects, architectural elements, frescoes, and statues are used to describe the role of beauty in daily life, both physical and spiritual. The exhibition then explores the presence of beauty in the projection and exercise of power, both through violence and through sports and iconography. The penultimate series of rooms explores the relationship between love and beauty, culminating in a room featuring Apollo and Venus. The exhibition concludes with excerpts from the film by Paolo Sorrentino film ‘The Great Beauty,’ which shows how the enduring beauty of Roman culture permeates society to this day. 

aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai
Aldo Cibic seeks to highlight the individual experience of each piece

aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai
large-scale marble sculptures come together to tell a story of how beauty can be both an expression of love and power


aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai
Aldo Cibic’s design is intended to provide the visitors with a dramatic emotional experience



aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai
a series of enclosures divide the spaces and create a labyrinth through which the experience slowly unfolds    

aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai
yellow, purple, blue and red tones clad the exhibition space

aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai
the roman sculptures are highlighted against the bold background


aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai
through his design, Aldo Cibic tells the story about the beauty of roman life and culture

aldo cibic juxtaposes roman sculptures with dark labyrinthine spaces at MAP shanghai
sculptures, paintings, mosaics, bronzes, and glasses are featured throughout the exhibition



project info: 


name: A World of Beauty
designer: Aldo Cibic, Joseph Dejardin
curator: Francesco D’Arelli, Mario Grimaldi, Clara Tosi Pamphili
location: Museum of Art Pudong (MAP) 

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