KVANT-1 created a new photo series as an ode to water, ecosystems, and life, strongly inspired by the picturesque city of bergen where the series was produced. tucked amongst the majestic mountains and fjords of western norway, with an impressive proximity to nature, the city of bergen is known to be ‘the wettest city in europe’ where the rain is an unavoidable part of life for its inhabitants.
all images by KVANT-1
the graphic design studio created this unearthly image series to present ‘norwegian rain’, a slow fashion concept built on artisanal techniques, in a way that reflects the less visible design aspects behind the garments. ‘norwegian rain’ have designed a new collection where raincoats become a living breathing part of the ecosystem rather than acting as an impenetrable plastic layer. instead of constantly fighting the moisture, the relationship is a symbiotic one where the fabrics are made of waste, meaning they are a part of the circular economy.
the scenes that KVANT-1 have created challenge how one perceives water and what is associated with the element. as we progress through the series, the designers make the life bringing qualities that water induces in this world become increasingly evident. they want viewers to arrive at a point where they can no longer discern between where water ends and where life begins.
project info:
name: akvavit
images by: KVANT-1
garments and styling: norwegian rain, featuring gdansk unisex
traveller: paul marcel m.
designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.
edited by: yasmina karam | designboom