a still from ‘the duel (LEGO)’ by namchild, 2012 all images courtesy the artist

youtube LEGO stop-motion animator namchild, of london, england, has released another block-built short movie. the stop-motion film ‘the duel’ depicts a lone ninja LEGO up against an army of equally tough cube-constructed characters lead by one mysterious LEGO leader. the little figurine makes use of miniature ninja stars and samurai swords in order to defeat his opponents, ultimately bringing him to the point in which he battles with the leader of the pack in a gruesome moment of one-on-one combat.

namchild shot ‘the duel’ on a fuji film camera, capturing 12 – 24 frames per second, editing his video in final cut pro. all effects pictured in the film such as motion blur, explosions, wind and wood are real effects are created as the photos were taken. the only post production necessary for this stop-motion movie was conducted in photoshop in order to remove visible support wires. 

‘the duel’ is the official music video for the afterlife remix by camo + crooked of hospital records with the artist’s animation based upon ‘duel’ by loenhart.

‘the duel (LEGO)’ by namchild

a LEGO stop motion duel a still of a split screen picturing the ninja and his nemesis

via neatorama