slide house by y+M design office frames views of coastal hyogo
photography by yohei sasakura / sasa no kurasya
all images courtesy of y+M design office
located at the foot of mount rokko in japan, this residential property by y+M design office has been oriented to maximize views towards the neighboring inland sea. in order to preserve the natural terrain and vegetation, the reinforced concrete structure has a minimal footprint, ensuring that the home exists unobtrusively.
the building is located at the foot of japan’s mount rokko
named ‘slide house’, the dwelling’s primary façade features an array of box-like frames that not only ensure privacy, but also act as brise-soleil – protecting against the region’s relatively warm climate. furthermore, the shading devices can be physically adjusted, meaning that the home’s inhabitants can configure internal space to suit their needs throughout the year.
the home is oriented to maximize views towards the inland sea
provision for three parked cars is provided at basement level, with a spiral staircase leading to the home’s sleeping quarters above. primary living accommodation is found at the uppermost storey, where a kitchen and diner connects to a living room. an additional guest room is also provided, while adjoining terraces at the rear of the property offer views across the surrounding landscape.
the reinforced concrete structure is embedded within the natural terrain
the dwelling’s primary façade features an array of box-like frames
primary living accommodation is found at the uppermost storey
terraces at the rear of the property offer views across the surrounding landscape
each area of the home is filled with natural daylight
a spiral staircase connects each level of the plan
the frames not only ensure privacy, but also act as brise-soleil

project info:
location: hyogo, japan
type: residential
site area: 341.89 sqm
building area: 112.02 sqm
total floor area: 199.47 sqm
structure: steel and reinforced concrete
photography: yohei sasakura / sasa no kurasha