treasure chest-like proposal wins competition for new archeological state museum in rostock

treasure chest-like proposal wins competition for new archeological state museum in rostock

archäologisches landesmuseum winning proposal


denmark-based lundgaard & tranberg architects have won the international competition for the new archeological state museum in rostock, germany. spaning an area of 6,500 sqm, the winning proposal will take shape as a robust brick-clad structure that rather blends into its surroundings than standing out, symbolizing strength and protection. thus, metaphorically and structurally liken to ‘treasure chest’, it emerges to accommodate the federal state mecklenburg-vorpommern’s distinguished archeological collection from the baltic sea region — a history that dates back up to 12,000 years.


set to settle by the river warnow, the proposal will redefine the relationship between the historic city and the water front, transforming the harbor area into a social hub for the locals and travelers. therefore, the final design proposes a direct connection of its ground floor to the outdoor recreational areas, attending to become a landmark in the harbor of rostock.treasure chest-like proposal wins competition for new archeological state museum in rostockall images by lundgaard & tranberg architects



a landmark in the harbor of rostock 


the winning proposal by lundgaard & tranberg architects (see more here) was selected among twenty other competitors. the museum will host both permanent and temporary exhibitions, a café, conference facilities, and an accessible roof terrace providing visitors with sweeping views opening towards the city. 


‘it is a remarkable building set to become a landmark in the harbor which is precisely what it’s all about for us; the project has a distinguished recognizable architectural profile. the proposed building fulfills perfectly the museum’s requirements, with a very impressive foyer and exhibition halls that work really well. all these elements taken into consideration the winning architects have made a lot of right choices,’ mentioned future museum director hans-jörg karlsen.treasure chest-like proposal wins competition for new archeological state museum in rostock



it is fantastic to be able to actively contribute to rostock’s ambitious development with a museum that looks toward the future while simultaneously connecting to the city’s historic past as hanseatic town with a tradition for brick architecture. it is also quite spectacular to be allowed to create a home for mecklenburg-vorpommern’s large and important collection. we have attempted to create a protected environment where fragile, light sensitive objects can be displayed to the public, offering a journey into the unknown – a special, wonderful experience,’ noted mikkel kjærgaard christiansen, architect and partner at lundgaard & tranberg.

treasure chest-like proposal wins competition for new archeological state museum in rostock

treasure chest-like proposal wins competition for new archeological state museum in rostocktreasure chest-like proposal wins competition for new archeological state museum in rostock


treasure chest-like proposal wins competition for new archeological state museum in rostock




project info:


name: new archäologisches landesmuseum

architects: lundgaard & tranberg architects

design team: lundgaard & tranberg arkitekter, marianne levinsen landskab A/S, wuttke & ringhof architects and buro happold engineering

location: rostock, germany

client: SBL MV (staatliches bau- und liegenschaftsamt mecklenburg-vorpommern)

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