‘relaxation park’ in torrevieja, valencia, spain, 2008
image © toyo ito & associates

this year japanese architect toyo ito has been awarded the frederick kiesler prize for architecture and the arts. for thirty years ito has created architecture dealing with social and cultural issues. many of his works focus on nomadic life and the conceptual lightness of the world in terms of constructions, material and coloring. the award is presented every two years by the city of vienna for extraordinary achievements in architecture.



toyo ito awarded frederick kiesler prize for architecture and the arts ‘meso no mori’: municipal funeral hall, gifu, japan, 2006 image © toyo ito & associates



toyo ito awarded frederick kiesler prize for architecture and the arts ‘island city’ central park, japan, 2005 image © toyo ito & associates



toyo ito awarded frederick kiesler prize for architecture and the arts ‘matsumoto performing arts centre’, nagano, japan, 2004 photo © hiroshi ueda



more: http://www.toyo-ito.com http://www.kiesler.org

related: designboom interview with toyo ito