timber structure shapes cultural center buried in kinmen island's hill formation

timber structure shapes cultural center buried in kinmen island's hill formation

Library + Art Museum Competition Entry revitalizes Kinmen Island


Luis Ybarra from Eddea and Leching Chiang propose the construction of a trench-like library on the Special Art and Culture Zone Base of Kinmen Island, in Taiwan. The island, administrated by the Republic of China, is located off the southeast coast of the mainland, while the selected site stands at the geometric center of the area, where the former Runan Second Camp District was settled. The garrison area for the brigade-level troops in the middle section of the Kinmen Defense Command and its infrastructure are preserved as historical heritage. The preservation of the military infrastructure and the conservation of the wetland and the protected trees were the key elements of the design process.

timber structure shapes trench-like cultural center on hill formation of kinmen island
the front facade as seen upon arrival | all images courtesy of Eddea/Luis Ybarra + Leching Chiang



Timber structure makes use of the landscape’s constraints 


The designers took the three restrictive elements -the military trench, the depressed wetland, and the group of protected trees- into consideration and made use of the limiting factors to elevate the structure. The volume reconstructs the edge of the depressed wetland leaving the entirety of protected trees untouched and provides the opportunity for a new interpretation of the trench as a landscape element. In the points of drainage from the hill into the wetland, the building opens up internal patios that connect with the landscape. The main program articulates in three common blocks, the museum, the library, and the multifunctional zone. Circulation is actualized through fluid interconnected areas and promenades.

timber structure shapes trench-like cultural center on hill formation of kinmen island
panoramic view of the split volume



indoor + outdoor promenade defines the library’s design


The volume stands half-buried at the edge of the wetland, allowing total conservation of the skyline control range of the military viewpoint. While, from the opposite side, a brand new facade is enveloped. The building is accessed through bridges over the depressed wetland connecting the parking lot with the several entrances. The museum’s main bridge entrance is intended for the general public, whereas the library’s bridge permits entrance to members and guests acquiring invitation passes.


The proposal attends to sustainable design providing solar panels installed on the sloping roofs of the volume, using a sustainable timber structure that reduces carbon emissions, and installing rainwater drains that collect water in a tank below ground level for general usage and irrigation.  The landscape strategy forms around the reconstruction of the trench as a walkable surface and develops a loop around and through the building. The surrounding greenery merges with the building both at the museum’s internal patio and at the library’s internal patio. The promenade connects with the trench after crossing the outdoor patios.

timber structure shapes trench-like cultural center on hill formation of kinmen island
the northern edge of the building opens up to the landscape offering views of the sea and the mainland

timber structure shapes trench-like cultural center on hill formation of kinmen island
outdoor access to the library area


east facade of the building connecting with the sloping military heritage site

timber structure shapes cultural center buried in kinmen island's hill formation
the main hall of Kinmen Library features an open sitting area

timber structure shapes cultural center buried in kinmen island's hill formation
the museum area leads to an open library space

timber structure shapes cultural center buried in kinmen island's hill formation
educational common space overlooking the sloping military heritage landscape


the structure splits the volume in three timber modules

diagrammatic description of the volume
diagrammatic description of the volume
longitudinal + transversal sections
longitudinal + transversal sections
general masterplan of Kinmen Library
general masterplan of Kinmen Library
exploded axonometric drawing of the full building
exploded axonometric drawing of the full building

project info:


name: Kinmen Library and Art Museum – Competition Entry
designers: Eddea – Luis Ybarra + Leching Chiang

location: Kinmen Island, Taiwan



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: christina vergopoulou | designboom

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