‘museum of handcraft paper’ by TAO, gaoligong, yunnan province, china
image ©

all images courtesy of the aga khan award for architecture



the significantly muslim area of yunnan is home to micro-village of galleries that display the area’s tradition of papercraft. the tectonic
palette reflects the crafts displayed within, opting for local timber and bamboo cladding. low-energy decomposable materials visually
connect the museum to the landscape while interiors extend lines of sight into the greenery. offices, tea rooms and guest rooms are
clustered upstairs, leaving the remaining spaces to formally express local culture. 



TAO: museum of handcraft paper, china

‘museum of handcraft paper’ by TAO, gaoligong, yunnan province, china



TAO: museum of handcraft paper, china

uninterrupted views characterize the area



TAO: museum of handcraft paper, china

glazed corridors connect the wood clad buildings



TAO: museum of handcraft paper, china

‘the museum fosters cultural exchange 



TAO: museum of handcraft paper, china

wood an bamboo tectonically introduce village architectural typology 



TAO: museum of handcraft paper, china

axonometric section
image ©