‘mountain’ by takk, barcelona, spain
all images © takk
made from a mesh of ten-millimeter thick square wooden dowels, the ‘mountain’ by mireia luzarraga and alejando muiño of spanish studio
takk in barcelona provides a break from the fast-paced city life in this small-scale installation. seventeen vertical columns in a radial configuration
create an upside-down bell shape, laterally supported by five horizontal timber rings. the primary structure acts as a web holding on it a
facade of white foam geometric shapes and figures reminiscent of the summer time. the space invites users to take a break and sit inside a
semi-protected almost floral environment surrounded by fluttering forms and a delicate grid of interwoven sculptures, where the intense
play of shadows wrap anything that is inside, changing throughout the day.
surrounded by smaller businesses, providing a restful spot to sit
white foam forms cover the exterior of the structure, peppered with small colorful flowers
interior space with pillows and a floral floor
structural plan
roof plan
structural skeleton
exploded axonometric