situated in the center of a public park in châtelaine-balexert, switzerland, this recreational community center has been completed by swiss studio stendardo menningen architectes. the structure, surrounded by several communal buildings, seeks to highlight a logical continuity and preservation of the existing landscape as well as the surrounding context. the east entrance of the site has been re-qualified by the latest construction whereas to the west, bleachers connect the building to the added esplanade.

stendardo menningen architectes community center switzerland designboom
the recreational community center located in the center of a public park 
all images © régis golay  from federal studio



sitting on a light slope, stendardo menningen architectes’ community center twists and folds to satisfy the requirements of the site —  allowing a natural openness towards the outdoors. this functional and spatial continuity along with the existing topography creates an optimal distribution across the space. in other words, the studio’s strategy ensures a balance between the volumetric needs and the shape of the terrain to form a coherent relationship.

stendardo menningen architectes community center switzerland designboom
the façade is cladded with thin wooden panels



the single-leveled building facilitates the connections and fluidity of the circulation, taking into consideration the needs of people with reduced mobility. to achieve this, the ground floor has two core areas on either side located at the end of each activity room. even more, natural lighting allows for optimal quality of the internal flow and movement. technical rooms in the basement can be reached from the outside to retain its functional independence, while the educators office and administrators are located near the entrance.

stendardo menningen architectes community center switzerland designboom
technical room

stendardo menningen architectes community center switzerland designboom
ensuring the functional independence of the technical room by accessing it from the outdoors

stendardo menningen architectes community center switzerland designboom
the building folds and twists to meet the site requirements

stendardo menningen architectes community center switzerland designboom
sitting on a light slope, the community center adapts to the existing topography

stendardo menningen architectes community center switzerland designboom
fluidity of circulation is ensured for people with reduced mobility

stendardo menningen architectes community center switzerland designboom
natural lighting fills the interiors for an optimal quality of movement

stendardo menningen architectes community center switzerland designboom
offices are located near the entrance of the building

stendardo menningen architectes community center switzerland designboom
all-white interior details



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lea zeitoun | designboom