spora architects completes twin sunken stations for the budapest metro
szent gellért tér station / photo by tamás bujnovszky
all images courtesy of spora architects
hungarian practice spora architects has completed two metro stations in budapest that form part of the city’s underground rail line. situated on the banks of the river danube, the two stops form part of budapest‘s most significant infrastructure project. ten stations are currently being constructed as part of the seven kilometer line in order to connect south-buda with the city center of pest.
the stations form part of the city’s underground rail line
szent gellért tér station / photo by tamás bujnovszky
believing that high architectural quality could encourage the city’s residents to make use of public transport, spora set out to create an underground public world that was detached from the rest of the city’s historic atmosphere. both underground volumes are supported by levels of reinforced concrete beams, with their form left completely exposed.
as a complex traffic junction, fövám tér is an interchange point for trams and buses as well as ships and cars. the multilevel complex serves as a gateway to the historic downtown of budapest, with the subterranean spaces proportional to the 19th century streets above. at 36 meters below ground, szent gellért tér is one of the deepest stations on the entire line.
scroll down to see images of the fövám tér station in our gallery.
both stations are situated on the banks of the river danube
szent gellért tér station / photo by tamás bujnovszky
the line connects south-buda with the city center of pest
szent gellért tér station / photo by tamás bujnovszky
ten stations are currently being constructed as part of the seven kilometer line
szent gellért tér station / photo by tamás bujnovszky
the underground public world is detached from the rest of the city’s historic atmosphere
szent gellért tér station / photo by tamás bujnovszky
at 36 meters below ground, szent gellért tér is one of the deepest stations on the entire line
szent gellért tér station / photo by tamás bujnovszky
konstantin grcic’s ‘chair one’ is included as part of the design
szent gellért tér station / photo by tamás bujnovszky
street level access is housed within a concrete structure
szent gellért tér station / photo by tamás bujnovszky
subterranean spaces are proportional to the 19th century streets above
szent gellért tér station / photo by tamás bujnovszky

project info:
author: sporaarchitects
architects: tibor dékány, sándor finta, ádám hatvani, orsolya vadász
team: zsuzsa balogh, attila korompay project architects, bence várhidi, noémi soltész, andrás jánosi, diána molnár, károly stefkó
location: budapest, hungary
general architect of the m4 metro line: palatium stúdió- zoltán er, balázs csapó
collaborators, consultants: consortium of fmterv, uvaterv, mott-macdonald
client: budapest transport ltd / DBR metro project directory
artist collaborator: tamás komorócky
photography: tamás bujnovszky